Lifestyle & Fitness

Frequent Flyer Baby – Tips on Smart and Stress-free Travel with an Infant

When my son Neil was born in August 2013, I wondered if my travel days would be a distant dream. Thankfully, I have traveled more in the past 5 months than I have over the past few years. Right from our first flight from Toronto to Mumbai to our most recent Delhi to Pune journey, it has been a thrilling ride. My son is a true jet-setter – he has attended destination weddings in Bangkok and Jaipur, family gatherings in Mumbai and Pune and play dates in Delhi in the first few months of his life! Has the travel been carefree and relaxing for me? Not one bit! Has it been exciting, exhilarating and exhausting all at once? Yes! Worry not, it really isn’t as stressful as it seems. Here are my top 5 tips on traveling with an infant.
1. Plan well.
Make lists that comprise of everything you would possibly need to feed, bathe, clothe, change or entertain your infant. I have created exhaustive packing lists – one each for short journeys and long ones. Review the list and check off what you can borrow/purchase at your destination. In your mind, plan out every step of the journey and what you may require to make it easier (eg. hiring a porter at the airport).
2. Keep hand carry to a bare minimum.

On our first flight, I made the mistake of going a little overboard with the hand carry luggage. Between my mom and I, we had 2 small suitcases, 2 purses, 1 diaper bag, 1 stroller and 1 baby! Trust me, if you think you’ll have time for the books, laptop, camera (insert other paraphernalia you typically carry on your travels), you are sadly mistaken, my friends. My new policy is “diaper bag, stroller and baby only”.

Neil with his Nani – about to board his very first flight
3. Ask for help.
Befriend the flight crew and fellow passengers. You will need to request a passenger to hold your baby while you fold the stroller, place your diaper bag in the overhead compartments or visit the washroom. The flight crew can assist with bringing hot water for his formula or washing/sterilizing baby bottles. Don’t be shy. People will always (well, usually) help a single parent with a child.
4. Prepare a baby first-aid kit.
Pack a kit with Baby Tylenol, Oral drops for Cold & Runny Nose, a Nasal Aspirator and Gripe Water. That should cover the common ailments that may occur. Remember to give the baby a pacifier or a milk bottle during take-off and landing. However, if he cries a lot, give him a dose of Baby Tylenol. Another tip is to carry his vaccination records/medical notes from his pediatrician, just in case required.
5. Don’t be nervous.
Thousands of parents have traveled with infants before you and have been just fine. If you stress about it, it will be harder than it needs to be. You will need to be vigilant at all times and will not have a moment to catch your breath, but I assure you, it is not the nerve-wrecking experience you may expect. If you have any tips to share with us, please leave a comment below. Happy travels!
Seasoned traveler – Neil on his 6th flight.
Catching some shut-eye on the Mumbai-Pune car ride.

3 thoughts on “Frequent Flyer Baby – Tips on Smart and Stress-free Travel with an Infant

  1. Travelling with twins and the amount of gear you need, i realized that one should take enough to last you through few days, most hotels have laundry and you can probably get by without carrying a tons of clothes. Travel lean is my new mantra and travel lean with twins!


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