Lifestyle & Fitness · Motherhood

Return of the Skinny Girl

It’s here!!! The day has finally arrived. Today, I am back to my pre-pregnancy size and have achieved the goal I set for myself in my Get Back into Shape Challenge post. Here’s the lowdown. 18 kg lost since December 2013. Size 10 to size 2. Yippee!! Check out the exclusive before and after shots below. Yes, I was THAT chubby and totally had a triple chin going.
Left: Tejas & I with our 1 month old. Right: Today, just before Neil’s first birthday.

The journey has been anything but easy. It’s been a true test of determination, commitment and perseverance. There have been countless ups and downs, moments of frustration and feelings of failure. I have faltered along the way, given into my cravings and gobbled down those cookies. In the end though, I got past those momentary lapses quickly and refused to beat myself up over it. 

Though I am incredibly proud of what I have accomplished, I need to take a moment to remind myself of what caused me to be overweight. I took my body for granted and used my pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I desired, namely, a ton of desserts. And let me tell you, those calories add up pretty fast! The bottom line: there’s no substitute for a balanced, nutritious diet. Here are the 7 lessons I learnt along the way, which can help anyone wishing to get back in shape the healthy way.

1. Keep the Commitment to Yourself. I could be exhausted, sleep-deprived or just plain lazy, but I would still wake up at 6 am and work out 5 days a week. This was especially difficult those nights when I had woken up 2-3 times to breastfeed my baby, but I did it anyway.
2. Plan Your Meals for the Week. I followed a weekly diet and made sure I was stocked up with the required ingredients. The worst situation would be to find yourself starving with nothing healthy to eat around you. That’s a surefire recipe for binge eating. Carry nuts and fruits if you are going to be out and may need a quick snack.
3. Get the Support You Need. Know yourself and what it will take for you to reach your goals. Huge credit for my success goes to my dietitian Dr. Manisha Bandishti. My family and friends were strong pillars of support, and dealt with me obsessing over my weight on numerous occasions.
4. Cheat a Little. The past 9 months, I attended 2 weddings and traveled to 9 cities. I followed a modified version of my diet during this time. Want a slice of that wedding cake or want to share a bottle of wine with friends? Go for it. Enjoy the moment, knowing that you’ll get back into the groove of healthy eating once you’re back home.
5. Enjoy the Process. Yes, dieting can be tedious. On the plus side, I learnt a bunch of delicious, healthy recipes and can finally say I know how to cook! Yes, weight training at 7 am after a sleepless night sucks. Yet, lifting more weight or doing squats better than you did the previous day feels amazing.

6. “The Journey is More Important than the Destination”. Through this journey, I have made significant improvements in my eating habits, and have gained the strength and confidence to do what is best for my body. I am fitter than I was pre-pregnancy and it can only get better from here.

7. This is Just the Beginning. Can I go back to binging on chocolate, cookies and chips? Unfortunately not. But I can treat myself occasionally. I plan to eat healthy 80% of the time, and indulge for the remaining 20%. Seems like a fair deal to me.

9 thoughts on “Return of the Skinny Girl

  1. Thanks Stuti! My diet was customized by my dietitian each week, but overall, it was a balanced plan with 3 main meals and healthy snacks through the day. For instance: Breakfast – oats or egg whites with brown bread. Lunch – 2 rotis, sabji, dal, salad, buttermilk. For the most part, dinners were carb free and included chicken or fish with salad. Snacks were typically nuts or fruits with a healthy drink eg. coconut water or green tea.My workouts – weight training with a personal trainer 3 x week and the other 2 days, I would do yoga or run.


  2. Damn! That's amazing… that's quite a feat!I'm 2 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight! (Yes, I'm showing off a bit!) :PBUT my stomach can use some help… any tips?


  3. Raina Singh I hate you!! HahaThe tummy is a tough one. It's usually the last part to get back to normal. Mine still isn't where I'd like it to be.So. I'd say, eat healthy and be patient. It will reduce gradually.


  4. Yes, Tummy is the hardest part. In first 2 months with good exercise and diet plan, i could see my chubby cheeks going off and reduce in inches overall and good drop in weight. But now the weight loss is not that much. I am 5 to 6 lb over my pre-preg weight. I am kind of frustated seeing my tummy. But definitely its better than before. Your post is really a true inspiration for me. I am really happy for how i am now and would definitely follow the same routine until i reach my goal.Thanks for your post in FB.


  5. Thanks Akshu! I was on mat leave when I went through this weight loss journey. You are right – it can be hard, but possible. I would say that diet is key – say 70% diet and 30% fitness. So try eating right, then start gradually with a workout routine based on what you enjoy/time constraints. I'm certain you will find a difference. Good luck!


  6. Thanks Akshu! I was on mat leave when I went through this weight loss journey. You are right – it can be hard, but possible. I would say that diet is key – say 70% diet and 30% fitness. So try eating right, then start gradually with a workout routine based on what you enjoy/time constraints. I'm certain you will find a difference. Good luck!


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