About Me

Hi, I’m Disha. Welcome to my blog. I am a mental health advocate, mother to 2 young boys, baker and fitness enthusiast. This blog is my labour of love and an outlet to spark conversation about mental health by sharing my personal journey with Bipolar Disorder. I also enjoy writing about Food, Fitness, Weight Loss and Motherhood! Since I love lists, these are 10 Interesting Facts About Me:

  1. I was born in Mumbai, spent my childhood in Bangkok and have lived in 5 other cities at different stages of my life!
  2. I LOVE dessert! A rich, moist chocolate cake is my favourite.
  3. Following from point 2, I absolutely love baking. It is like therapy for me.
  4. I am an optimist at heart. That’s the story behind the blog’s name – I always try to see things from my pink/rose-tinted lenses.
  5. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder 3 years ago, but possibly lived with the illness many years prior.
  6. I am an advocate for mental health and my hope is to help end the stigma and bring difficult conversations to the forefront.
  7. My husband, 2 young boys and myself live in Mumbai.
  8. I love to read – Fiction, Historical Fiction and Non-Fiction. My favourites include A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry, Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty, Essentialism by Greg McKeown and of course the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling!
  9. I am a true Marie Kondo fan. I love to organize and periodically declutter our space.
  10. The favourite country I have visited is Spain. I went there once for a Spanish immersion course in Valencia and met the most wonderful people ( and yes, learnt some Spanish too!). The second time was on my honeymoon where we visited Bilbao, San Sebastian, Barcelona, Madrid and Seville.