Bipolar Disorder · Emotional Well-being

7 Things I Wish For on World Mental Health Day

Time to reflect on a topic that is extremely close to my heart. As a person living with Bipolar Disorder, I know first-hand the struggles, the family impact and the personal toll it can take. This year's slogan for World Mental Health Day is 'Mental Health for All:  Greater Investment-Greater Access'. I couldn't agree more and… Continue reading 7 Things I Wish For on World Mental Health Day

Bipolar Disorder · Emotional Well-being

When a Loved One Has a Mental Illness

When I started writing this post, I anticipated that it would be easier to write than my first post on Bipolar Disorder. Quite the opposite. Reading the inputs from my loved ones on how my diagnosis affected them brought me to tears. There were so many exasperating and challenging situations that I put them through. My… Continue reading When a Loved One Has a Mental Illness

Bipolar Disorder · Emotional Well-being

My Name is Disha and I Have Bipolar Disorder

I was diagnosed close to 3 years ago but possibly lived with the illness for many years prior. This photo was taken a few months before my diagnosis. Bipolar Disorder (or Manic Depression) causes severe high and low moods. In the depressive state, you may feel sad, hopeless and at times even suicidal. In the… Continue reading My Name is Disha and I Have Bipolar Disorder