
6 Screen-Free Indoor Activities for Kids

Yes, kids' screen time has shot through the roof. Yes, parents experience tremendous guilt but also feel there is no alternative. Yes, we know there are tons of screen-free activities that are beneficial to kids but have not been able to try them out yet. This was me during the first couple months of lockdown.… Continue reading 6 Screen-Free Indoor Activities for Kids

Food · Motherhood

Nutrition for Breastfeeding Moms

  Dr. Manisha Bandishti, my dietitian and the secret to my weight loss graciously offered to share tips on nutrition for breastfeeding moms. I exclusively breastfed my second baby Riaan for 6 months, followed a nutritious diet and successfully lost all my pregnancy weight. Here are Dr. Bandishti's responses to 4 commonly asked questions.   Do… Continue reading Nutrition for Breastfeeding Moms

Food · Motherhood

Mission Slim-Possible: 8-week Transformation Challenge

Mommies, thank you so much for the overwhelming response to my earlier post on this group about healthy eating and fitness (as a reminder, below is the picture I had shared). Your enthusiasm and feedback were invaluable in creating a 4-part blog series covering post-partum weight loss goals, diet and fitness. Today is the first… Continue reading Mission Slim-Possible: 8-week Transformation Challenge


How to Potty Train a Toddler in 3 Days

My husband Tejas and I dedicated last weekend to potty training our 22 month old son Neil. We planned to follow the 3 day potty training method, using this Baby Center video and tips from this informative blog post as our guideline. We had prepped Neil two weeks before training day by telling him he is… Continue reading How to Potty Train a Toddler in 3 Days


The New Normal: My Birthday Celebrations as a 7 month Preggo with a Toddler

Remember the good old days when a birthday celebration was truly about what you wanted and usually included your closest friends, a significant amount of alcohol and drunken conversations? So this birthday was pretty much the opposite. Being 7 months pregnant and having a 21 month old mischievous toddler to entertain does somewhat limit your… Continue reading The New Normal: My Birthday Celebrations as a 7 month Preggo with a Toddler

Lifestyle & Fitness · Motherhood

How About Making a Pre-New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution?

I have never been one of those people that wait for New Year’s Day to set a resolution. I set goals when it’s time to make a change and I have found the inner drive to do so. Last November, I began my "Get Back Into Shape" Challenge, which thankfully went very well and resulted… Continue reading How About Making a Pre-New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution?

Lifestyle & Fitness · Motherhood

The Truth About a DIY Cake Smash

Are you one of those moms that obsess over infant photography ideas on Pinterest? Do you love dressing up your munchkins in adorable outfits and capturing the moment in a beautiful photo? Do you plan to jump on the cake smash bandwagon for your little angel's/prince's first birthday? If so, I would like to let… Continue reading The Truth About a DIY Cake Smash


Happy First Birthday to Our Little Monkey!

My baby turned one today! This past month I have experienced a roller coaster of emotions. I'm thrilled to see Neil grow into a happy, enthusiastic and curious child, but am also sad that he's not that tiny, precious newborn trying to adapt to the brand new world. I am emotional about not being the… Continue reading Happy First Birthday to Our Little Monkey!